From Questions to Clarity

Make informed decisions
using quality information
curated by an expert.


I’m Elissa and look forward to working with you.

I take large volumes of information and make it meaningful and useful.

  • Curate, package, and present strategic research to facilitate informed decision making

  • Design website navigation using best practices for optimum usability

  • Develop information management strategies to optimize access and communication

  • Engage diverse stakeholders to develop strategic plans and initiatives

  • Design and create instructional programs for learners to explore, discover, learn, and grow

I LOVE…Post-Its

They are so useful for visualizing projects and plans!

I transform lives.

I provide people with the opportunity to develop critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making skills.

I give them the chance to use technology in ways they might have never thought possible.

I offer them a space to be curious, to explore, discover, learn, and grow.

And I provide a place - for retreat or refuge, to imagine, think, and be.

I am a librarian.